Scotland’s Dairy Sector – Rising to the Top 2030
In 2014, the Scottish dairy sector became the first sector in the Scottish food and drink industry to launch its own plan setting out its ambition for growth. Since then the world has changed immeasurably, and not least during 2020 when the global pandemic COVID-19 swept across the world. If there is one common dominator in our future it will be constant change. This change will be driven by many things including the climate change challenge, technology, data, insights and the consumer, as well as the changing dynamics in global trading and how consumers shop.
The dairy sector in Scotland is diverse in its make-up with farmers, producers, processors – big and small – all having a critical role to play in the supply chain. The last six years were the beginning of a journey that has not only taught the sector more about itself, the consumer and markets, but has also delivered some early wins that will help map out the pathway to 2030 in our ambition to rise to the top.